Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Part Hassle... Part Fun ;)

I made a punny...  

I'm having trouble with some parts that came in the mail yesterday for the violin repair.  Most of the pieces were cracked and or chipped.  I can't use these parts...   I shouldn't be expected to, either.  >.< This is what happens when you buy parts cheaply on line.  Well, that's not fair.  I've gotten many other things on line w/o problems.  I'm just getting burned out from all the stupid packages that have been coming on and off since we started buying things on line here.  Furniture, curtains (those neat black out ones that help insulate, too - omg they're great), sheets, Aria's new mattress and mattress protector, the dog crate, the exercise machine (which really was a super great deal and we all use it a lot! - which is great), the webcam (which was worth every cent cuz we can stay in touch with our friends in Germany now and also I will be using today for ASL practice!), etc etc etc.....

I'm just tired of all the packages.  bleeeegh....  When the violin repair is done ... and the bookshelves are bought and get here... I don't wanna get any more packages for a few months lol....   Then I guess we'll be looking for a new bed.

I wish there were more places locally with the things we need (*coughs and want*) lol  I can't say I "needed" to repair my violin... and I can't say we "needed" EVERYTHING we have gotten from on line... but most of it we did...   Locally, there was a place that sold mattresses and their cheapest mattress was over 500$ and I didn't think it was worth even half that!  So, I'd found a futon mattress on line for 100$!!!!  It's comfy and works great for Aria! 

Anyway, it's snowing here again!  YAY.  It's so nice to look at lol... I'm so not shoveling it this time.  I'm still hurting from the last time I shoveled it on Friday.  (or was it Thursday... )  I kinda wish I would shovel it, though.  Good work out.  Sadly, I think my back will kill me if I attempt it.  We can't have a dead Taura now can we?  ... then again... think of all the sleep.....

This math website that Aria is using is great... It's a relief to have her more interested in her studies again, rather than fighting and resisting every step of the way.

I am immensely disappointed in this varnish I'd seen.  I inquired about it because I saw cracks all over the sample pics.  The reply back was "these cracks are all over and make the instrument look like an antique..."  O.O  .... seriously... they make varnish that PURPOSELY cracks?????  WTF are they thinking?  What are they smoking?  They need to get off the bad stuff! SHEESH... how annoying.   I shouldn't let it bother me, but for some reason it just does!  NO one wants cracks on their instrument!  Especially a new one or one they're refurbishing!  If it's cracked now, how is it supposed to hold up to time?  >.<  people just don't think....

I'm tired today, but a lil less than I was yesterday.  I kinda still want a nap, though....

I have more laundry to finish up, then I need to con help to fold it all...  

Hmm... think that's all I have to say for now ....

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