Thursday, March 1, 2012

Homeschooling, cleaning and pets... oh my!

Our old dog isn't feeling so chipper :(  He got sick from eating too many rawhide bones (he keeps stealing them from our younger dog.) 

Aria's new math "curriculum" is working well for us all, which is good.  I'm pleased the web-based program has something to keep track of what she's done and how much time she spent on it, etc.  Makes life a lil easier for me :)

She's resisting her writing assignment.  Too bad there's no fun on line writing program LOL.  I just gave her something to copy because she said she didn't know what to write.  Hehehe.. She will be writing whatever's on the back of the nail file package.  lol...

I cleaned up this room that we're using like a den.  It's a computer room, plus...  It has craft stuff in here, the dog crate, animal food bins, food bowls, and their toys.  It has places for the cats to lay about and a cat post and scratch areas.  Anyway, it's almost always the messiest room of the house (Aria loves telling EVERYONE all about this >.<)  and I'm not ok with this because it's also where the webcam is LOL!!!  So, now it's neater, so I'm less embarrassed during video calls :)

Anywho, I have more cleaning to do... blegh... I'm still tired from the cats waking me up.  Bast is pro at throwing herself around the room (as I call it) when she wants me to get up to feed her.  She aims for all the places I have things up high... like my rocks and crystals on the windowsill and the plant and my jewelry box on top of the dresser... and tries to knock everything down >.< 

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