Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Grumpy Mailman and the Resident Who Orders Things On-Line

Once upon a time, there was a grumpy mailman.  The grumpy mailman liked things just so.  Pleasant weather, no dogs around and especially, no packages.  Letters get heavy enough when they need to be delivered, but packages just made things so much worse.  And it wasn't because they were heavy because sometimes it was really light!  Boxes are just plain cumbersome and unwieldy!  It's such a bother to carry them!  The only thing he hated more was a loose dog.  Sure, when faced with a loose dog, he said he wasn't afraid, but he acted very, very afraid.  He would back up, raise his eye brows, show fear in his eyes and his voice would get higher pitched.  He would talk faster and start to sweat - all the while insisting he wasn't afraid.

Luckily not many people on his route had large dogs and they especially almost never got packages!  One day, this all changed....

A family moved into a vacant house.  They had a large dog.  And they always got packages.  He was not happy.  He would complain to them about their old address being on letters, even though, they said they changed it.  He would complain about having to carry their packages, even though that was his job.  And he hated their large dog who barked at him and scared him (even though he insisted he wasn't scared.)

heheh ok, well I don't know how to continue the story.... and it's just my way of venting about our grumpy postman.  I swear he hates us!  He was polite, smiling and made small talk with Pessimistic neighbor and COMPLETELY ignored us!  Another time he handed a package to us when we were at Pessimistic neighbor's yard and said "here you take this rather than making ME carry it.." then ignored us while he made small talk with Pessimistic neighbor.....    He gripes about any mail that has our old address - there is only so much we can do once we notify everyone of our new address....   He acts like everything is personally against him.  Especially when Mitzie got loose and ran upto him barking.  He FREAKED OUT while insisting he was calm and not afraid.  Because he acted afraid and was backing up he triggered Mitzie's instincts to charge and bark and carry on cuz there was a stranger intruding at our house..... I managed to grab her and bring her home, but I think he never forgave us for that... or the packages LOL

When we got here, we'd left a lot behind.  There aren't many places around here that had what we needed and on line prices are sometimes way better.  Since money has been an issue in trying to get back on our feet, it's best to be smart on how you spend your money!  Anyway, we've gotten sheets, Aria's new mattress, the dog crate, violin parts (recently lol), laminate sheets, our new table, Mitzie's new collar (to keep her from yanking my shoulder out of joint), posters (cuz the walls are white and we don't care for plain walls), winter jacket for Aria, sweat shirts and pants for Aria, snow suit for Aria, ....   Well, you get the idea.  Everything was a great deal, too!!  I SOOO wish this was a larger area and we could get things from freecycle, but the freecycle in my area seams to cover the whole northern portion of MI!  Most things being offered are a minimum of an hour and a half away and we don't have a truck, nor do we have a friend with a truck that we know well enough to hassle for help picking something up that is that far away.  There are some thrift stores... We hope to score a hutch from one and maybe an entertainment center (we're using a bookshelf/hutch top thing as our entertainment center and it's not going to last long like that lol).

We just ordered a bean bag "couch" YAY hehe... The mailman never carries the heavy stuff to us... it's always nicer people :)  lol... 

Anyway, I'm hoping we can order shelves, soon.... Maybe this Thursday *SMILES*  Will said I can get a violin.... The Chinese make good student violins that are sold MUCH cheaper than the ones made elsewhere.  We don't have 1k and up to spend on a decent student violin lol...   But I think I shouldn't get any violins when we still need furniture.... even though, these are ~really really~ good prices.  A violin that is 1k here is 100-200 there.  Sweet!  And they are more arty about their violins, too. 

I read this post in violin forums about how people should just support their local shops, blah, blah, blah... I was like.. um.. what if you live no where near a shop that sells instruments at all much less a violin shop! 


My poor, old violin is coming along, but it won't be playable for months.  I've been itching to play it - bad... That's why Will was telling me to get a violin.   This way I wouldn't feel rushed and screw up the violin or make poor choices or take short cuts to get it playable again.  *shrugs*  My viola sounds like shit... even with the good strings on it *cries*.  My cello sounds sooo lovely (even when using the viola bow on it lol)  My viola is a cheap PoS that cecilo made when they were still starting out.  They've learned a lot in 9 years lol....   They made my cello and that sounds lovely... but they're still learning :)  I wish Aria would like to play.... maybe when she's older...

So, I'll probably ignore the lovely violins and order the shelves we need.  We still need a sleeper sofa for company, too. 

My Uncles want to visit.  They're cut out of the family now, too.  They're still getting over the shock of being blacklisted by my mom.  What they are going through now is what I had to come to terms with ... and it took a long time for me.  I am not sure they'll ever get over it. 

I'm concerned if they come to visit there will be issues with accepting who we are and how we live our lives.  One uncle was already pressuring me to have Aria baptized.  Grr... I guess we'll have to see.

Anywho... that's all for now

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